
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day of Shooting

all out of bullets

My good friend Kaitlin Mooney drove around with me today trying to find strangers in the community who were willing to let me talk at them about my project for my KickStarter video. As it turns out, nothing is open on Sunday, so we ended up finding someone Kaitlin knew at Cyber Cafe West, and we were privileged enough to have the owner of the Water Street Brewery sit down with us, but after that it was difficult to find anyone who wasn't camera shy, so I ended up cheating and talking with my friend Quan as my third person. I've been editing that together and have just finished recording myself filling in the blanks.

Hopefully the video turns out well, but I've been working on it for ten hours today so I'm going to just import and finish my rough-cut before bed.

Tomorrow hopefully the bank will be up and running again so they can help me verify my Amazon Payments account then I just need to touch up my campaign description then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LAUNCH!

I'm getting nervous, guys!

Things I've learned today:
  • Twitter can actually be very useful and strangely networkable. I started following some production companies and I retweeted a few things and suddenly all sorts of documentary related Tweeters have started following me.
  • I can strap my Tripod to my bike pretty easily and it looks totally Badass.
  • Few people are ok talking to a stranger with a camera.
  • I was right, despite what a lot of people on the internet told me, gear quality does matter. Because my gear is so legitimate, people take me more seriously than they do when I don't have my gear set up yet.
  • "Mic out" on the Beachtek is not where the headphones go. :p
  • Organization is key, Determination is another key, and a smile is a lock pick

Alrighty, time to finish my rough cut and go to bed. today is possibly a very big day for me.

Wish me luck, Dear Readers


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