
Sunday, June 17, 2012

This Week?

Am I Unprepared or Scared?

Today I am drafting up e-mails to send out to select groups of people once I start my KickStarter campaign. my groups so far are Family, Video Professionals, Friends with related career goals, Gossipers (people I know will enjoy spreading the word to their friends), People I have been actively bouncing ideas off, Networks (like the cinema department listserv etc.), Professors, etc.. I want to have the initial e-mails drafted up for each of these groups as well as for individuals before I start my campaign so it gets sort of kick-started (see what I did there?). I will be e-mailing them all multiple times throughout the campaign with updates (and they can always just check this blog) and I'm sure my e-mailing methods will be sort of fluid throughout the whole process because if I've learned anything these past few months it's that almost nothing works out how you plan.

I also have to draft up a basic timeline of the story I predict myself telling through this doc. though once again, almost Nothing works out how you plan... am I just putting off fundraising because i'm nervous?

After that I need to begin drafting up my campaign. what I'm going to say/show in the video, what the description will be, etc.

This is so exciting! (and nerve wracking)

Jessi Jaramillo has agreed to help me curate my campaign because she is an expert at social media marketing :) and I am a total novice.

I will probably update the blog again later today but I needed a break from drafting up e-mails so I decided to share my goals for the day with you good people.


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