
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Disappointingly Slow

Hey everybody, well I'm sorry I haven't been posting more, but there is just not much new to report. I have been toying with the idea of changing my community character from Charlie Moore to, I can't figure out if I want to do this because it would be easier or because BingSpot is actually more accurately/importantly a part of the community than Charlie is. this is a mental conundrum. But I've talked to Joshua B. about it and he said he likes the idea but he needs some time to think about it.

On the waiting front... I'm still waiting. I have called and left messages multiple times for two members of the Environmental Management Commission, Merry Harris of Economic Development, and have finally gotten to call (and leave a message for) Roger Luther from Preservation Association of the Southern Tier.

Waiting waiting waiting...

waiting waiting waiting...

It's like the ring-back tone on the phone.

more updates to come, hopefully.

Oh, on a mental note, I have been hit with waves of doubt, but that doubt has turned into something equally discouraging but opposite. Helplessness. I have become aware of the fact that Binghamton IS moving in a great direction and it has nothing to do with me, and it seems so obvious now but I think that's because I'm looking at it so closely. It's really hard to keep faith when you know there is nothing you can do to help. (this is a note for all starting documentary filmmakers who stumble across this blog)


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