
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Digging Up the Nitty-Gritty

       Everyone tells me I'll just have to learn through my own mistakes. I've been told I'll fail a few times before I can get a hang of it, sort of like falling through the ice on a pond. The ice around you breaks as you grasp it. Breaking and breaking, and you can't get out until you reach thicker ice.
(survival note: you should have a buddy who can throw you a rope or a few buddies who can lay out and form a human chain to get you. cover as much surface space as possible to avoid everyone else falling in too)
       HAHAHAHAHA, these people should get to know me better. I am not a fan of failing, and I am going to do everything I can to avoid it. Learning from mistakes is fine, but making knowingly avoidable mistakes is not.
      Today I reached out to LinkedIn, asking documentary-oriented groups to share advice with me about the business-side of filmmaking. I am going to do my research, learn financial and legal obstacles before I reach them so as to destroy them that much faster.
     Be Prepared

                   -Kevin Hallagan

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